Does Mold Exposure Harm Your Brain?
We know that mold exposure can have adverse health effects, including breathing problems. But did you know that mold may also affect other organs of the body, including your brain? Sounds scary, and it can be. The longer you are exposed to mold, the worse symptoms can become. The good news is there is help to treat mold illnesses and remove mold damage.
Can exposure to mold cause damage to your brain?
The simple answer is yes, it may. Mold exposure can possibly harm your brain. According to research in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, studies indicate that exposure to mold can possibly have harmful effects on your brain.
Researchers found that a combination of factors can potentially cause mold brain damage. For example, certain types of mold may release harmful spores that irritate the body and increase an immune response. This response triggers inflammation in various organs, including the brain.
Research in Clinical Therapeutics found that mold spores may be absorbed through the intestinal lining, airways, and skin. Researchers found that exposure to some forms of mold may cause symptoms "affecting multiple organs, including the lungs, skeletal system, and peripheral and central nervous system."
What happens if you live with mold for years?
If you are living with mold, the sooner you have it removed, the better. Continuing to live with mold can potentially damage your health. Research in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry found that exposure to certain types of molds can cause health problems, such as:
- Breathing problems
- Headaches
- Skin rashes
- Chronic fatigue
- Dizziness
Keep in mind the health effects of mold are not limited to one body system or organ. That is why exposure to mold can lead to multiorgan problems. As mentioned above, the effects of mold can also cause brain problems.
It is difficult to predict how severe your health effects will become and how long it will take to experience negative effects. But the bottom line is any mold exposure could lead to health problems.
Which symptoms of brain damage are caused by mold?
The symptoms of brain damage caused by mold can vary widely. Everyone may have their own unique course with adverse health effects from mold.
Research in Toxicology and Industrial Health found that "mold exposure can produce symptoms like other neurological disorders, such as disorders of balance, dementia, and pain syndromes."
Possible symptoms of brain damage due to mold include:
- Increased anxiety
- Depression
- Memory problems
- Increased sensitivity to pain
- Impaired sleep/wake cycle
How can mold spores harm your brain?
Mold spores can harm your brain in multiple ways. In some cases, a combination of factors may play a role in damage to the brain from mold. Mold may harm the brain due to the following:
Exposure to mycotoxins
Some forms of mold produce mycotoxins that can affect the nervous system negatively. According to the World Health Organization, mycotoxins are toxins produced from some forms of mold that can have adverse health effects, including immune deficiency. The mycotoxins may also affect the nervous system negatively, leading to neurological symptoms.
Exposure to mold also can trigger an immune system response. This response causes cells in your brain to release cytokines. Cytokines lead to an inflammatory response. An inflammatory response causes oxidative stress to the brain and can lead to problems with cognitive function, mood, and thinking.
Nerve damage
According to the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, mold exposure may damage the nerves that affect proper functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. This can lead to symptoms such as tremors, muscle weakness, and problems with concentration.
Exposure to mold can also lead to stress. Stress is not good for overall health. Discovering mold can mean worry about how it may affect health, concerns over living circumstances, and lack of treatment for mold-related illnesses.
Specific brain function concerns with mold exposure
Mold-induced brain damage is frightening. Below are specific areas of concern related to mold exposure.
Does mold exposure cause memory loss?
Some research indicates that exposure to mold may affect cognitive function, and that can include memory.
Does mold exposure cause brain fog?
According to author Judy Tsafrir M.D. with Psychology Today, "mold-based illnesses can manifest in different ways, including psychiatric symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, and brain fog," said Tsafrir.
Can mold give you dementia?
Although more research is needed to confirm a link, some studies indicate a possible connection between exposure to some types of mold and dementia. The exact physiological processes that may increase the risk of developing dementia continue to be studied.
Risk factors of mold-induced brain damage
Everyone reacts differently to mold exposure. The effects mold may have on your health can vary. But certain factors may increase your risk of developing mold-induced brain damage, such as:
- Genetic susceptibility to mold illnesses
- The amount of mold you are exposed to
- Length of time exposed
- Personal health, including immune system function and medical conditions
- Proximity to the mold
What is the treatment for brain damage caused by mold?
The treatment for brain damage caused by mold may vary depending on the symptoms. According to the Environmental Health Center of Dallas, possible treatment for mold-related health problems includes:
- Anti-fungal medications
- Oxygen therapy
- Low mold diet
- Immune modulation made from your own T lymphocytes
- Gamma globulin injections
Also, one of the main treatments for mold brain damage is proper remediation of mold removal. Trying to remove mold yourself is unwise. You may not completely remove the mold.
Plus, if you are not trained in mold removal, you will unnecessarily expose yourself to additional harmful health effects. Mold is airborne and can travel throughout your home.
It is vital to leave mold removal to a professional mold remediation service. If you have mold growth, please call Mold Act at 877-660-0430.
Exposure to mold can adversely affect your health. In addition to increasing your risk of breathing problems, mold exposure may also affect brain health. Possible brain effects of mold exposure include brain fog, memory issues, tremors, and mood disturbances.
If you have mold in your home, removing mold quickly is essential for your overall well-being. Removing the mold in your home can start you on the road to recovery from mold exposure. You may also prevent health issues from becoming worse.
At Mold Act, we can help. We can remove mold safely and in a timely fashion, which allows your home to be the safe place it should always be.
We are providing services in:
- Arlington, VA
- Baltimore, MD
- Boca Raton, FL
- Miami, FL
- New Jersey, NJ
- Plano, TX
- Washington, DC
- Yonkers, NY
to keep your home protected against harmful mold. Call our professional mold remediation service today!

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