Can Mold Cause Allergic Conjunctivitis?
Being around mold can cause many health issues, including a higher chance of asthma, trouble breathing, allergies, and even eye issues. One example is allergic conjunctivitis, which can be caused by mold. The article below discusses the link between mold and allergic conjunctivitis, the signs of the condition, and how to make your home mold-free.
What Does Allergic Conjunctivitis Mean?
The conjunctiva is a thin membrane covering the white of the eye and the inside of the eyelid. Its job is to protect the surfaces of the eye from infections or foreign bodies. When this happens, the eyes gets red and swollen with conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis is when the source of the inflammation is an allergic reaction, from things like pollen, pet hair, dust mites, or some chemicals. When a person with a mold allergy is exposed to mold, their body responds by making antibodies that cause allergic symptoms. Inflammation of the conjunctiva can be a part of this response.
As the American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus indicates, allergic conjunctivitis affects at least 20% of people.
What Mold Has to Do With Allergic Conjunctivitis
There is a link between mold and allergic eyes. There is evidence that mold can cause or make allergic eyes worse. If these mold spores get into your eyes, they can cause an allergic reaction, leading to conjunctivitis symptoms.
When you have this kind of conjunctivitis, it's called permanent allergic conjunctivitis. People with this type of allergic conjunctivitis can have it all year long. If you get seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, on the other hand, it can be caused by things like pollen that come with the change of seasons. Mold contact can happen at any time of the year and last all year. If you are exposed to mold, your allergic conjunctivitis symptoms will likely worsen.
How does being around mold cause allergic conjunctivitis?
Mold spores can fly through the air. Mycotoxins are poisonous chemicals that the germs may make.
It's easy for the germs to get into the eyes. In people allergic to mold, the mold is seen as harmful by the body, which makes the defense system work. The immune system's reaction sets off a chain of symptoms, such as allergic conjunctivitis.
Is there a certain mold that can cause allergic eyes more often?
If you are exposed to mold, you can get allergic eyes. The type of mold that can cause allergic conjunctivitis in different people is different. Some people are allergic to any kind of mold.
But the Allergy and Asthma Network says that the following kinds of mold are most likely to cause allergic reactions, such as allergic conjunctivitis:
- Aspergillus
- Alternaria
- Cladosporium
- Penicillium
Symptoms of Mold-Induced Allergic Conjunctivitis
The intensity of the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis caused by mold can vary. People may also start to feel sick as soon as they are exposed to mold. Sometimes, the signs don't show up for a few hours.
Some signs of allergic conjunctivitis caused by mold are:
- Red eyes
- Blurry vision
- Being sensitive to light
- Itching in the eyes
- Burning feeling in the eyes
Most of the time, allergy conjunctivitis doesn't hurt your eyesight long-term. Things could go wrong, though. When allergic conjunctivitis gets bad, it can leave scars on the eyes.
Can allergic conjunctivitis caused by mold be cured?
You can get better from allergic eyes caused by mold. Start by calling your doctor to set up a meeting. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine treatment options include:
- Putting cold packs on your eyes
- Artificial tears
- Eye drops for allergies
- Oral allergy medications
But if the mold isn't removed, the symptoms will likely worsen. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, getting rid of an allergen that causes conjunctivitis, like mold, usually makes it better.
Mold Act can help if mold is the cause of the problem. Please call our professional mold removal service for the help you need to get rid of the mold growth that is causing the problem.
How to avoid and treat allergic conjunctivitis caused by mold
Reducing mold exposure in your life is the first thing you can do to stop and treat allergic conjunctivitis caused by mold. Mold grows best where it's damp. Mold can often grow in places like:
- Wood products
- Wallpaper
- Drywall
- Insulation
- Ceiling tiles
- Around pipes
- Windows
But there are things you can do to help keep allergic conjunctivitis from happening because of mold.
Make sure your home is mold-free
By following a few steps, you can make sure that your home doesn't have any mold. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says that controlling wetness is the most important way to avoid mold. One example is that if you have water damage, you should dry the area within 48 hours to stop mold from growing.
Also, don't ignore the problem if you think you have mold. Mold can get around. If you are allergic to mold, more mold can worsen your allergy symptoms, like by causing conjunctivitis.
Enough airflow and controlling the temperature will help keep mold from growing
Mold growth is slowed down by keeping the airflow and humidity levels right. Keep an eye out for places like bathrooms that tend to get damp. To get rid of the extra water, have fans or a dryer.
A humidity meter can help you monitor the dampness level inside. You can find this small device at a lot of home repair stores. The EPA says that the humidity inside should stay below 60%.
Cleaning and taking care of a mold-free living place
A mold-free living place can be kept up by following a few steps. Take a look at this:
- Fix up and clean the roof gutters
- Take up wet rugs that won't dry right away
- Leave the vents for your clothes machine outside your house
- Add mold inhibitors to the paint
- Clean your bathroom with things that kill mold
Regular checks for mold and steps to get rid of it
If you're unsure if you have a mold problem, it can help to have it checked out regularly. We will check out any areas with mold to make sure we get to the bottom of the problem. Don't forget that getting rid of mold yourself is not safe. Mold Act can get rid of mold for you.
Find out what's really causing the issue at its core
Mold can cause a variety of health issues, including allergic conjunctivitis, in people who are exposed to it. In many cases, symptoms will continue as long as there is mold exposure. You can prevent future episodes of allergic conjunctivitis by removing the mold from the environment.
Mold Act is ready to assist you. Mold may be removed from your house in a way that is both safe and effective, thanks to the expertise of our professionals. Just call us at 877-660-0430.

Mold Remediation Services