Case Study

Getting a good night's sleep isn't always easy. While there are several reasons why you could be experiencing sleep problems, you should never overlook the possibility of mold exposure. As it turns out, mold and insomnia can be closely correlated. Here's what you should know...

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP) is a serious condition that is caused by exposure to certain types of irritants. Mold is one of the primary sources of such an allergic reaction. Because hypersensitivity pneumonitis can lead to lung scarring and possibly life-threatening conditions, it's reassuring to know that if caught early enough, symptoms can be reversible...

Few are more concerning than the risk for pulmonary hemorrhage in infants. As research reveals, mold exposure can greatly increase the risk for pulmonary hemorrhage and other respiratory illnesses in infants...

Over 4.8 million children suffer from asthma in the United States. 1 Although there are many causes of asthma, one continues to gain more attention in the scientific literature: mold exposure. Rightfully so considering a tell-tale sign of mold exposure is respiratory distress. Infants and children are especially susceptible to the deleterious effects of mold...

Mold Remediation Services